We create Expertise, Aestheticism and Action on any device that connects you to your audience

Your brand lives online as much as it does in the real world

QMP we believe brands that are well connected to their consumers receive great appreciation, better value, more loyalty and a bigger market share. However, it takes a solid brand strategy and an equally solid plan to bring it to life. The right mix of masteries to meet business needs while creating the best customer experience. And, it demands a universal approach, using bought, earned, owned and shared media to create a fully integrated engagement plan.

Brand equity is imperative to achieve success in the digital space. QMP can help you boost your online presence with the use of social media spaces like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest and other networking sites, by creating mind-blowing, content-rich consistent advertising campaigns on social media websites to support your organic social media efforts.

We can help you Generate sales and leads, Build your brand online, Be discovered, Be recalled.

Our Social Media Marketing Services help your business Develop brand awareness, relationships, and website traffic.

Develop Brand Awareness

Increasing your followers on social media will help increase brand awareness and strengthening brand persona. We will ensure that your followers match the demographics, interests, and behaviors of your typical customers. Finding the right social media platform to connect with your customers is the real key.

Customer Engagement

QMP will help you increase engagement (likes, comments, etc.) on your social media posts. The more engagement you have, the greater your connection is with your target audience. We will use stories, posts, pictures, infographics and everything it takes to connect with and engage your fans.

Increasing Website Traffic

Increasing your website traffic will directly influence leads and sales. We will focus on developing social media advertising campaigns that drive high volumes of traffic to your website. To make an increase in conversions, we can add-on retargeting advertisments to stay in front of recent website visitors.

We help you make more effective business decisions by extracting valuable insight from accurate data, and acting on it.

The services offered by our experienced analytics and insight team is methodically created and progressed over time, and is always ongoing testing, which is reflected in the excellent quality of our work.

As part of our data discovery work, we ensure your data is robust and offer solutions to resolve any problems our team of experts uncovers. We carry out Google Analytics health checks & Google Analytics audits to help measure and ensure data integrity.

Inbound marketing is about attracting potential buyers to your company through compelling content offers. B2B and B2C companies alike are increasing their marketing spend and complementing their internal marketing resources with inbound marketing. experts.

Through an analytics and insight process we uncover your target audience, where they spend their time online and how they make buying decisions.

We then tailor-make your strategy by identifying your challenges to improve your current marketing efforts, by combining the right content, social media and a variety of other inbound marketing channels.

Search engine optimization is the foundation of a good online marketing strategy.

It is the art of promoting a website to have a strong organic visibility in search results, attracting significant, welcome traffic your target audience.

QMP can help you with your SEO efforts as per Google’s best practices for organic search. Here it is very important that a clear and straightforward approach is taken to gain high natural rankings.

Our talented and dedicated team will deliver a content and keyword strategy that will increase your organic rankings, for long-term growth.

With PPC as a tool, QMP can help your website get targeted traffic almost immediately after you start the campaign.

Strategy: Once we discover your target Audience, we will find the perfect keywords and organize them in strong campaigns and ad groups, and then set up PPC landing pages that optimize conversions.

We will deliver transparent reports that clearly show your goal conversions and return on investment.

Ongoing process:

Once we start the PPC campaign, it should be an ever-evolving and adapting to changes in the search environment. We will ensure you stay on top of result search patterns.

We share great relationships & are connected with some of the most authoritative publishers, bloggers, journalists & influencers on many social media and blogging sites..

This means that we can help bridge that gap between offline and online content to get the awareness and engagement your brand deserves.

Our social media content team will help you create fast, engaging content, articles, blog, posts that triggers conversation to get your brand coverage outside of your immediate industry.