We create Expertise, Aestheticism and Action on any device that connects you to your audience

Your brand lives online as much as it does in the real world

QMP we believe brands that are well connected to their consumers receive great appreciation, better value, more loyalty and a bigger market share. However, it takes a solid brand strategy and an equally solid plan to bring it to life. The right mix of masteries to meet business needs while creating the best customer experience. And, it demands a universal approach, using bought, earned, owned and shared media to create a fully integrated engagement plan.

QMP can create a big plan on how email can drive growth for your business.

Since 1990’s, Email marketing has been influential in acquiring, engaging, and retaining customers to help your business thrive. It’s agile, it’s cheap, and it’s highly effective.

QMP can create and develop successful, eye-catching designs that are influenced by industry research to help you get the best results from your email campaigns. If you can imagine it, we can build it into an email for you. We craft successful email strategies by using interesting, persuasive copy that speaks directly to your consumer. With years of direct marketing expertise, our copywriters, content developers, visualizers & HTML developers. build subject lines, calls to actions, body copy and stunning imagery that gets your customers to act.

We can help you with email marketing email newsletters, acquisition emails, retention emails, and promotional emails.

Email Newsletters

Email Newsletters is the most recognized and accepted form of email marketing. With the use email newsletters, you can provide your subscribers with timely, expected, and helpful updates from your product or brand.

With QMP’s effective email newsletters you can:

  •   Improve your relationships with subscribers.
  •   Increase retention and engagement.
  •   Strengthen subscriber loyalty
  •   High possibilities of recommendation of your brand/ product
Acquisition Emails

Acquisition emails help in driving trial and signups among those who have opted into your emails but haven’t yet converted.

This type of Email can be sent to excite and persuade the customer to show them the value of becoming a paid or active customer

Acquisition emails can:

  •   Move leads through the conversion channel quicker.
  •   Increase your business and drive revenue.
  •   Focus your acquisition efforts on users who have shown interest in what you offer
Retention Emails

Retention emails are a powerful way to keep hard-won users, subscribers or customers active by sending a special message to subscribers who haven’t opened an email from you lately. It’s a great idea to include a special offer or requesting feedback.

That's why having a strategic plan for customer retention email is an important part of any email marketing plan.

Strong retention emails help you:

  •   Increase retention and engagement.
  •   Show patrons you value their business.
  •   Reach out to vulnerable users.
Promotional Emails

QMP can help you craft promotional emails to push sales, register, signups or announce new offers to attract and allure your target audience.

Promotional offers are also a great way to encourage existing consumers to try something new.

High-impact promotional emails are a great tool to:

  •   Drive new product or service adoption.
  •   Reward engaged subscribers with extraordinary offers.
  •   Cross-sell existing products into your customer base.


Bulk email marketing campaigns rely on a host of tricks and tips to achieve the best results. Whether it's contact list segmentation, managing subscription preferences or staggering sends for maximum effect, our specialists know how to get the best out of bulk email.

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