We create Expertise, Aestheticism and Action on any device that connects you to your audience

Your brand lives online as much as it does in the real world

QMP we believe brands that are well connected to their consumers receive great appreciation, better value, more loyalty and a bigger market share. However, it takes a solid brand strategy and an equally solid plan to bring it to life. The right mix of masteries to meet business needs while creating the best customer experience. And, it demands a universal approach, using bought, earned, owned and shared media to create a fully integrated engagement plan.

QMP builds high-performance and responsive websites that deliver rich and engaging experience. These experiences may live entirely in the digital space but frequently they cross over from the digital world and into true physical interactions and vice-versa.

We can build projects right from strategy, implementation and support services across all platforms. We can create custom-built sites, deliver enterprise-level solutions through several CMS partners, build for open source or also provide an alternative SAAS solution. We strategize and create centered around insight and data, positioning the user at the focus of everything. Our aim is to streamline complex processes through beautiful, functional designs.


We indulge in a much wider digital reach with superior tools, and our developers successfully bring out impeccable solutions for our clients through these latest technological methods.


WordPress is an online, open source powerful blogging and website content management system with a robust architecture built on PHP and MySQL. Its powering 82% of the web, with WordPress extending its features for 26% of the Internet. QMP can help you create bespoke websites harnessing the power of WordPress.


SharePoint Web Services provides great features allow for remote operations and the use of any language and platform that supports the consumption of web services. We can use the Web Services to add more power to our application. Using SharePoint, QMP can create robust applications and websites that culminates into smooth executions of the client's needs.


Site core is a Strong content management system that scales for enterprise needs. It is an integrated platform to support global, multilingual content at scale and provide the flexibility that enterprises demand. QMP can create mind-blowing web applications for marketers and IT teams that want to customize, manage, integrate, and secure even the most demanding of websites.


HTML5 and CSS3 have swept the web by storm. HTML5 and CSS3 have brought to the design world new techniques and a chance to create features for a website that were previously only available with flash, Java Script or some hardcore designing. Exploiting the power of HTML5 & CSS3, QMP can create the perfect website for your business with some really cool dreamy features.